Optimization Algorithms
Optimization Algorithms - An overview of Gradient Descent and its variants
introduction to Gradient Descent
Gradient Descent is an optimization algorithm. In the context of Deep Neural Networks - it is the most popular algorithm used to find the optimized set of network’s weights.
This optimization is part of the training phase ...
Neural Networks_to_del
Deep Learning old
This post introduces Deep Learning, which is a branch of Machine Learning, using similar building blocks but in a denser architecture which can achieves better performance in complicated problems.
Let’s show that, by first presneting the architecture which drives Deep Learning - Neural Networks.
Neural Networks
Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression
This post introduces Logistic regression, an algorithm for performing Binary Classification.
This introduction to Logistic Regression contains 4 chapters:
Background: Supervised Learning and Binary Classification
Classification Model Selection - why not Linear Regression?
Presentetion of Logistic Regression...
Logistic Regression Cost Function
Appendix A: Detailed Development of Logistic Regression Cost Function
For convinience, let’s re-write the Logistic Regression formulas
Eq. 6: Logistic Regression Formula
6a Logistic Regression Formula for y=1
\[p(y=1| x, w,b) = \hat{y}=\sigma(b+w^Tx) = \frac{1}{1+e^{^{-(b+w^Tx)}}}\]
6b Logistic Regression Formula for y=0
\[p(y=0| x, w,b) =...
Logistic Regression cost Function Derivation Equation Development
Appendix B: Development of Cost Function Partial Derivative
The Cost function’s partial derivatives are needed for the Gradient Descent calculation. The derivative equation is presented in Eq. 14, as the sum of Loss function derivatives
Eq. 1: Cost Function Derivative
\(\frac{\partial J(b,w)}{\partial w_i} =\sum_{i=1}^{m}\frac{\partial L(b,w)}...
Linear Prediction Using Gradient Descent
Linear Prediction Using Gradient Descent
The previous post introduced the Linear Prediction model. It is recommended to read that post first, unless you are familiar with that material. It presented the Analytical Solution for calculating the model’s coefficents. The Analytical Solution is fairly simple solution to find coefficien...
Regression Supervised Machine Learning Intro - Linear Prediction with an Analytical Solution
Recap - Supervised Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning can be splitted into 2 main branches: Classification and Regression. In Classification, the data is grouped into a descrete set of classes, e.g. classify a picture to one of [cat, dog, lion], or decide if to buy or not to buy a stock. In Regression, the output is a continious value...
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The extraction of effective features is a key step in many machine learning and computervision algorithms and their applications. In computer vision, one form of feature extr...
24 post articles, 3 pages.